For initial piercings we use only sterile packed biocompatible special plastic. Likewise, needles, pliers, trays etc. are invariably disposable products that are disposed in accordance with the appropriate regulations after use.
With respect to the individual anatomic conditions of each client, all piercings are customized.
Kindly note the requirements for underaged clients below: Underaged clients at least aged 16 are required to provide a formless paper of content by their legal guardians as well as a corresponding telephone number for approval. Furthermore the ID cards of the the underaged and the legal guardian are essential.
The easiest way would be if the underaged client of at least 16 and the legal guardian appear together. However, also in this case the ID card should be in hand.
For underaged clients below 16 it is essential to appear with their legal guardians. A paper of content will not be accepted in this case. The ID cards are required as well. Only when the above mentioned points are clarified, the underaged client will be pierced. Kindly note that we can do piercings at any time during our opening times at any time without prior appointment.
Piercing care
General Care
The most important thing for Piercings is hygiene. In the worst case an inflammation after naval- or nipple piercing can cause peritonitis and and inflammation after a eyebrow can cause meningitis.
With respect to the mentioned risks, we do recommend the following rules of conduct: The wound(s) should be cleaned with Q-tips and a wound disinfectant (Cutasept).
Then the jewelry needs to be clean from residues. It is essential, that new skin is generating within the piercing-canal. Therefore it has to be ensured, that this skin will not be injured or irritated through tight clothes for example.
Within the first 2-6 weeks bathing should be avoided. Nevertheless, showering is no problem and is recommended. Swimming, contact sports and gymnastics should be avoided through this time as well.
Other jewelry than the initial piercing should not be used before the wound is completely healed. Kindly note, that only the use of dedicated piercing jewelry is recommended.
Special care for tongue piercings
After piercing the tongue will swell for about 3-5 days. In exceptional cases it can take up to 7 days. During that time the tongue should be cooled with camomile tea as this can restrain the swell.
Within the mentioned period the nourishment should consist of soups and pulpy food (e.g. baby food or mashed vegetables). It is recommended that the food is just lukewarm or cold (NOT HOT!). Furthermore, intensive spices, sugar and drinks containing sugar should be avoided.
After each meal it is recommended to use Listerine antibacterial mouthrinse for about one minute.
With respect to the swell of the tongue, the initial piercing bar is longer than the final piercing bar. Therefore, after the swell is gone, you should take care of sensitive and careful chewing to avoid injuries or irritations of the teeth whilst biting on the piercing bar.
Within 10-14 days the swell should be reduced that the initial piercing bar can be shortened. It should be checked regulary during the first days that the screw balls are tight on the piercing bar.
If fur is appearing on the tongue do not worry as this is an absolutely normal reaction of the body and will disappear by itself. However, if the fur makes you upset it can be removeed carefully with a toothbrush.
Even if it is hard, you should strictly avoid „tongue games“ like french kisses or oral sex during the first two weeks.
Special care for dermal-anchor-implants
The fresh implant will be covered by a plaster already in our piercing shop. During the first two weeks it is quite important that the implant is continuously covered.
Two times a day the plaster should be stripped off to spray the wound with Cutasept. In contrary to normal piercings the dermal-anchor-implant has not to be moved. This process should be repeated for at least two weaks (3 weeks recommended).
The ingrowing of the implant takes about two to three months. The wound of the implants can dicharge pus even after some weeks. In that case do not hesitate to contact us an come to our shop immideately! The jewelry should be changed earliest after four to six weeks.